Catch Explosive Trades Before They Skyrocket 🚀

At Retail Edge Trading, we've spent years crafting and optimizing our proprietary algorithms to identify profitable trading opportunities in real-time so that you can stay ahead of the market and make life changing trades!

If it moves, we monitor it:

Cutting-Edge Trading Alerts

Our alerts were developed by quants who have worked with some of the top hedge funds in the world. We've combined that experience with state of the art infrastructure to deliver real-time, valuable trading alerts for retail traders.

  • Low float Stock Alerts

    Our bread and butter. We monitor thousands of low float stocks that are primed to make parabolic moves. When a stock's behavior begins to imitate the action preceding past runs, we alert it to you.

  • Crypto Alerts

    Similar to our low float alert logic, we monitor thousands of cryptocurrencies to immediately notify you when they are ready to make large moves.


User Friendly

Alerts that are designed to provide valuable and concise information to elevate your trading.


Industry Leading

We continuously alert market movers at the quickest and most accurate rate in the industry.


Community Driven

A truly democratized platform that allows our community to direct our team on implementing new, valuable features.


Proven Track Record

We are proud of the success our alerts and users have had throughout our history of operation.

Trading Alerts

No More Searching For Trade Opportunities

Retail Edge Trading utilizes infrastructure that tracks nearly every asset in the stock and crypto markets tick by tick. Each of these datapoints get filtered through our cutting edge momentum identification filters in real-time.

Our momentum filters have been optimized by some of the world's top quants over thousands of research hours. These filters are the secret sauce that deliver trade alerts to our community of traders. Behind the scenes, we are constantly working on optimizing existing alerts as well as researching new filters to be integrated as new alerts.

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What You Will See From Our Alerts

Real-Time Visual Charts

As traders ourselves, we understand the importance of visualizing price action as it plays out. When we deliver an alert, we integrate real-time TradingView charts

Alert Count

As assets progressively move to the upside during momentum driven runs, our filters continue to pass alerts to our members if they demonstrate signs of continuing their runs. Alert count identifies how early on in a move a particular asset is

Percentage Gain

We track the percentage gain for all of our alerts so our members can see how far an asset has moved since the first alert

Alert Type Specific Info

Each alert type will have unique information attached to it such as share float for low float stocks and tradeable exchanges for crypto

Professional Insights

Gain access to our professional 'Pro Role' traders in our Discord server who share their trade ideas and offer valuable perspective on various trade opportunities

Trading Community

Join our community of over 2,000 active traders on Discord to learn, discuss and trade with likeminded individuals


Catch A Glimpse Into The Retail Edge Trading Ecosystem


We're the Best in the Business, But Don't Just Take Our Word For It!


Simple, All-In-One Pricing


Retail Edge Trading Membership

$49 /Month
  • Low float Alerts
  • Crypto Alerts
  • Strength Gauges
  • Public Sentiment
  • Full Discord Community Access
  • TradingView Indicator Access